Europe’s Strongest Man recently concluded, and Hafthor Bjornsson has earned back his title as he edged out Eddie Hall to claim first. Yesterday, Bjornsson announced that he had come down with Bell’s Palsy, but still planned to compete. Today he’s lifting a first place trophy as Europe’s Strongest Man.
Bell’s Palsy is a disease that causes partial paralysis of one’s face. The definite cause and reasoning behind this condition are still not understood, but one cause often linked to Bell’s Palsy is inflammation of nerves. This condition is estimated to last roughly 1-2 months, and most patients make a full recovery.
It’s been an eventful few days for Bjornsson to say the least. This is Bjornsson’s third title as Europe’s Strongest Man, and he’s now tied Iceland to Poland with seven wins for his country.
The final standings showed Bjornsson with a final 63 point total, Hall with 61 points, and Terry Hollands holding third with 48. Laurence Shahlaei, who edged out Bjornsson last year, finished in eighth place with 20.5 points.
From the very first event, it seemed like Hall and Bjornsson were neck and neck. They both earned first and second for every event except two, which was the tire flip and bus pull (Hall claimed third on both of them). Bjornsson finished first and second in every single event.
This year’s Europe’s Strongest Man included six events and are shared below with their top three finishers.
Bus Pull: Bjornsson 11 points, Hollands 10, and Hall 9.
Max Axle: Hall 11 points, Bjornsson 10, and Matjaz Belsak 9.
Tyre Flip: Bjornsson 11, Hollands 10, and Hall 9.
Deadlift: Hall 11 points, Bjornsson 10, and Mark Felix 9.
Car Walk: Hall 11 points, Bjornsson 10, and Hollands 9.
Atlas Stones: Bjornsson 11 points, Hall 10, and Mark Felix 9.